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2020 Grant Awards

The following organizations were selected for environmental grant awards, from a pool of 22 applicants:

Colchester Giving Garden was awarded $500 to repair planting beds, replace equipment and construct trellises at a garden that supplies produce to food banks, senior free lunch programs, and soup kitchens.

The Connecticut River Conservancy was awarded $1000 towards its annual Source-to-Sea cleanup.

CPEN (West River Watershed Partnership) was awarded $1000 towards materials, transportation, and staff supporting a 3-hour fishing course for New Haven urban youth.

New Haven Land Trust Inc. was awarded $1000 towards materials, equipment and staff to build a replacement osprey monitoring platform in the Quinnipiac Meadows Nature Preserve.

KNOX Inc. was awarded $2000 towards an educator's salary and supplies for programming aimed at providing Hartford urban youth with an environmental education and green job skills, as well as restoring the urban forest.

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